Technologies > Energy Efficiency
Green Infrastructure
Green Infrastructure also known as Blue-Green Infrastructure or Low Impact Development (LID)is a network of green design features that seamlessly integrate the natural landscape with the drainage system.
Urban areas with the goal to 1) Control peak discharge volumes and 2) treat the collected runoff with the use of plants and soil filters, before discharge into the waterway. By filtrating and percolating the water where it falls, this method aims to mimic the natural water cycle.
As a positive side effect, more liveable and attractive cities are being created. Transforming concrete places into lively open spaces.
LID is well-utilised in Singapore under the Active, Beautiful, Clean (ABC) Water Programme to reduce the stormwater runoff from source, where natural treatment elements are used to detain, store, infiltrate, and treat runoff before it is discharged to downstream waterways and waterbodies. In addition to flood modelling, Low Impact Development (LID) modelling can be performed as a low-cost solution and sustainable pluvial flood risk mitigation.
Examples for LID-Features are:
Downspout Disconnection
Instead of leading the runoff into a Stormwater sewer, the water is diverted into ditches or onto permeable surfaces where it can infiltrate into the soil.
Rainwater Harvesting
Bioretention cell, Bioretention basins or Bioretention lawns
Shallow, "pond-like", planted structures to collect stormwater runoff and to infiltrate the collected water over time
Bioswales or Vegetated swales
Planted Swales to convey stormwater runoff. They slow down and percolate some of the stormwater runoff into filtrating layers below.
Infiltration Trench
A trench filled with permeable substrate to filter and divert stormwater runoff.
Permeable Pavements
Permeable pavement comes into play where a stable base is needed. It provides a sufficient solidity whilst allowing stormwater runoff to percolate into lower layers.
Green Roofs
Planted rooftops with or without water retention boxes to delay stormwater runoff.
Urban Tree Canopy
Trees have a huge surface area that needs to be wetted before it comes to a runoff. In case of a stormwater event, they delay the initial runoff. This process is referred to as interception.
Land Conservation
Keeping unsealed areas open for infiltration and percolation helps to keep the natural water cycle intact and supports flood risk prevention.
Our Solutions
Flooding analysis is essential in face of increasing climate calamities and designing a city to withstand flood risk is critical. Today, digitisation enables us to visualise flood water propagation throughout every stage to facilitate informed decision making. It is important to quantify flood risks in order to respond with appropriate flood protection systems that directly address the client’s needs. To integrate green infrastructure most effectively, we provide a comprehensive Flood Risk Analysis to identify flood prone areas and we offer a Flood Damage Analysis to identify areas with high risk of potential flood damage.
With the knowledge gained we will then identify the right LID-features for every identified problem. From flooding over pollution to overheated cities. With green infrastructure solutions we get to the root of the problem and solve it at source.